Thursday, December 27, 2007



Sorrento - Baby bathing Suit

Hotel balcony

It's a quiet week, so just getting around to posting some of the beautiful Italy shots from my trip with Shana & Lyne. These pics are courtesy of Shana. She has a great eye for photography.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


It is the holidays. I am visiting my parents and brother in sunny FL. I arrived last week. I thought my flight would be what has come to be my Orlando standard.. two and a half hours of rapid thoughts in the midst of crying babies and Mickey Mouse ears. This time it was slightly different. I mean, I did my usual: grab my laptop, wait for the doors to open, head out and survey the groups of people waiting to depart to somewhere foreign or familiar, and make a b-line for the baggage claim monorail. Once on the monorail, I usually jam my sunglasses on my face as the suns rays caress my pale NY skin, but this time, I decided to take it all in. I put the sunglasses away and absorbed the FL warmth and vibrant colors. I noticed the beautiful green vegetation, and how the pinks, yellows, and blues of flowers looked so much more beautiful against the green backdrop. Ironically, I turned around to find a woman wearing a environmental psa inspired t-shirt to go "green." I thought to myself, it is by no coincidence that the color green can represent so much growth and stimulation. It is for this reason that so much red is shed for it and all over it as well.

Land...Money..Earth. It's all about the green..